Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why yes, my life IS a RomCom!

As my date of departure creeps up a little closer each day, NINE DAYS!...SINGLE DIGITS!, my heart beat grows quicker and quicker.  I was thinking today about how I've always dreamed of this.  How after every international RomCom or random history channel special I think...."wow, what it would BE LIKE to go there someday".  Guys, I am living my someday!  In NINE days I embark on an adventure that will forever change my life.  VOY A ESPAÑA!  On my way home I kept thinking about how I've ALWAYS wanted to travel across the pond.  I started laughing OUT LOUD when I realized that my major influences, besides Jesus OF COURSE,  were some solid leading ladies that made taking the world by storm seem so within my grasp!  They left my heart so curious when those credits started rolling!! So I thought it only fitting to pay homage to some of the RomCom heroins that encouraged me to be fearless and leap!

 Lena from The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.  This girl traveled across oceans and did it with such courage!  Up a hill on a donkey?!  A summer with people that don't speak her language?!  All to pursue her dream!? And she did it all in style!
 Holly from Ps. I Love You.  Now listen, I know that this movie isn't exactly the Eat Pray Love kind of go out and discover the world type but when I saw this girl in the middle of the Ireland countryside in that HIDEOUS outfit, I knew I wanted to be just like her.  Inhibitions to the wind.  Be your goofy self.  Take a walk through a foreign land all by yourself just to let your eyes be the only ones soaking up its beauty for a moment.  Loves.
 Amanda Woods and Iris Simpkins from the Holiday.  Umm, two women who fearlessly drop all they have to spend time in a completely new place? Not knowing what they are looking for, just excited for the adventure.  Yesssss.

This isn't even counting the ENDLESS supply of MK&A travel the globe fodder I was graced with as a child!  But I pack my bags within these last days with my RomCom leading ladies in mind.  With a smile on my face and a WHOLE BUNCH of "can do" grit and excitement in my heart I say see ya later to Denton, UNT, Arlington, and all those in between.  My God is my guide and what a ride it will be.  !Ten valentía!  Y...

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