Friday, November 5, 2010

La Puerta Abierta

WELL! I've just never had one of these things before so I'm not sure how to begin.  However, I feel it best to start at the beginning and tell you how I arrived at such a place as this:

How it all began:
    Last Spring semester (2010) a professor came to my class and invited us to study abroad over the summer in a place called Cuernavaca, Mexico.  After about 2 months of research and multiple meetings with my Study Abroad Office (The GLE-Global Learning Experience) I came to realize that my time had simply run out.  So in April of 2010, I put down my Study Abroad backpack and sadly decided to move on.  However, (HOW GREAT IS MY GOD!) in late July, I was granted, through scholarships and grants, a full 100% free ride to UNT.  I was BAFFLED.  (I still am for that matter!).  So after a full 45 minute sob fest of praising my King and falling before his glorious blessing, I realized, this may be an Open Door (Una Puerta Abierta) for me to study abroad.  Turns out, the expected financial aid I was awarded through UNT could completely transfer to funding a study abroad trip.  And because I had already begun researching study abroad programs and meeting with advisors, I was already equipped to begin applying.  Three months and many frantic trips around campus later, I was accepted by a program called Academic Programs International to study abroad in Seville, Spain for the Spring 2011 semester. 

A bit about my Program:
   As I mentioned, the study abroad program I am going with is an organization called Academic Programs International to study in Seville, Spain for 5 months.  And after a very intimidating interview with my API department head IN ALL SPANISH, I was selected to study in an intensive Spanish Program called the Integrated Studies with Spaniards Program in which I will take 3 out of my 4 classes with all native Spanish Speakers.  (I would like to take a second and THANK THANK THANK Carolina Mancilla, Juan Ronco, and Blanca Newton for intensively helping me practice for that interview!)  This means that I will be put in classes with regular Spanish students.  The students and the teachers will have no idea that English is my first language.  (Haha, until I open my mouth.)  I will fly to Spain on January 29th and return May 29th.  I will stay in a host home (a family in Seville that has been approved by API) with another API female student.  These families are instructed to speak only Spanish to us and, in some cases, only know Spanish.

Where I am now:
   I am currently still trying to figure out financial aid.  I have hit some bumps in the road like less-than-helpful advisors and unforseen expenses.  But make no mistake, the joy and beauty I have seen in this preparation stage is overwhelming.  I bought my plane ticket last week and am traveling to Houston within the next two weeks to apply for my Visa.  As every loose end begins to tie itself, I grow more and more anxious. 

My Hope:
   I have known since I was a Junior in High School that I want to be a missionary.  God has 10 times over affirmed me in my call to "bring hope to the hopeless" and spread his love to "the least of these".  Every step along this journey to Spain has been divine.  God provided the money.  God provided the wisdom.  God provided the friends and family to help me along.  God provided my strength to get through frantic days.  God provided my peace.  And most importantly, God provided this language to me.  My God, the Holy of Holys, allows me to speak this language.  Solely He gives me the mind to recall words and the heart behind it.  By Him alone am I able to do any of this.

My prayers:

I have applied to a very substantial scholarship known as the Benjamin A. Gilman scholarship.  I will not hear back from them regarding my acceptance or not until early December.
-I pray, in Jesus name, that the scholarship committee would see the favor that I know I already possess through Jesus Christ.  I pray for a speedy decision.

"A man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven." John 3:27
- I pray, in Jesus name, that He would give this language to me.  I pray He would meet my practice and preparation and turn it into a divine tool for His glory.

"These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David.  What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.  I know your deeds.  See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name." Revelation 3:7 & 8
-I affirm He has given me a heart for missions.  He has opened up doors for me to spread His name and love that no one can shut.  I pray, in Jesus name, that this verse would provide me with his loving strength to not lose heart, but to know He has gone before me.

My dear friend, Jillian Zamora prayed this prayer once and I claim it as well.
"In Christ is my hope.  In Christ is my identity.  Not whether I do well in school.  I do my homework and study well because I want it to be a reflection of my love for you.  I do all things for the glory of God.  But Jesus, in you I find my worth.  In you I find my identity"
-I pray my identity would be in Christ.  This language will fade from my mind, this school will one day cease to exist, and in 12 months I will no longer be a student.  But my God will never fail.  My God will never end.  To Him be the glory and in Him be my worth.

With all my love,


  1. AH!!! so refreshing and encouraging to read. i cant wait to see what God does in you in Spain and praise Him that He is sovereign and has mapped out every step! He is just too good it's unbelievable sometimes. LOVE LOVE LOVE you bbell!!:)

  2. This is so great- how He has provided and will continue to provide and how you are sharing along the way! I can't wait to keep up with your Spanish adventures! SO excited for you!

  3. That was some awesome writing, girl! I am so proud of you! I will miss you, but so excited I can keep up with you through this blog! Glad you put it in English! Luv your Brittnizzle!!
