Thursday, December 23, 2010

Home Sweet Home

38 days! 38 days! 38 days! Ummmmmm...whoa?

Apparently Mommoms and Poppy have the biggest case of holiday cheer.  See, they insist on turning our house into a virtual North Pole in which I have to walk around with a jacket and boots on at all times (this is not even mentioning the layers of shirts and socks beneath those jackets and boots).  Because of this I have begun sleeping with the following: 1 sheet, 1 heating blanket (turned to max heat), a heavy comforter, and an extra blanket on top of that.  Now given that the house is usually as cold as ice, snuggling up to Stinky Dog in my warm bed has become my most favorite time of night.  So there I was, Stinky Dog, Benjamin-missin a-Button (he has actually lost both eyes by now.  poor thing, he never saw it coming. HAHAHAHA, yep, i just did that to myself) and Belle in tow, so warm and cozy in my jersey knit sheets and then it hit me....
I don't get to take my bed to Spain!

gosh, frigid cold burst of air through my warm and fuzzy sleepy time dreams.  Also, this is one of the few times in my life where I have had my own room.  Don't get me wrong, having a younger sister prepared me well for cutting costs in college by sharing a room, i love you Julie Behal, but its nice to look around and know that this is YOUR space.  In homage to my cozy little room and my sweet sanctuary of a bed, here is a snap shot into my little world on Rainer st.
Okay, to start us off we have my huge closet (i only say huge because when you come from sharing a small closet with someone else, you really really appreciate having the extra storage space!).  You can't even see all of it because my sweet left sliding door decided to unslide and scare the crap out of me last night as it plummeted to the ground unexpectedly.  Gosh, thank goodness there was so much stuff on the floor that it didn't wake anyone up when it fell.  Dear Poppy, your welcome for not cleaning my room and maintaining everyone's REM cycles. LOOOve, Tyra.

1. giant frame i found on the side of the road FO FREE that perfect little Hollye's Cody picked up for me in her Jeepy.
2. Speaking of hollye, hand-picked, hand-painted branch.  She got the idea from her favorite BBQ place in Graham, Claytons.  I love her.  I always told her if she died, all i wanted was her branch.  So when the Molley closed down and she was about to throw it away, I nearly pitched a fit until she gave it to me. Again, I love her.
3. old window Julie Behal and I rescued from an abandoned house in Virginia.
4. stacks of suitcases from Canton. Ah, Canton. Laaaoves me some Canton.
5. Standing lamp that used to have its home right next to my grandmothers favorite chair.  She was a classy lady, that one.
6. Postcard dated June 19th, 1907 from one mischievous friend to another stating, "I am coming up to 'see you' in a week'" You've gotta wonder what happened.

Every morning, as soon as I wake up, i jump out of bed and open these shutters.  Even if i go straight back to bed.  The view of the day is BEAUTIFUL between them. I LOVE these shutters.

Now listen, I know it looks like a mess. But its really not. That roll top desk is actually where I am currently keeping all of my presents that havent been wrapped yet.  And its where I keep my spools and pushpin while im in mid-sew.  But clearly we have (from left to right) Jewelry and Hair accessories, BEAUTIFUL roll top desk that Poppy had to almost completely disassemble to get it from the guest room to my room (just because I mentioned that I really liked it! Isn't that the sweetest!!?!), tiniest tv in the world (but dont worry, it doesn't stop me from watching all the What I Like About You episodes in the world), and then crafting center.

And there she is, the crown jewel.

WARNING: Here comes the sentiment....Most of all I think I will miss this about my room.  The fact that at any given moment I can ballerina spin from my room right into my sister's room.  I have ADORED living with her again.  I. Love. Her.

How good He has been to me, How great He will be,

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